The spark ignites a flame…

After our European Honeymoon, which, should have been “a trip of a lifetime” (insert sarcasm here), my love of travel and all things historical in ALL the countries only exploded more. I made the decision to start booking not only our own travel, but travel for anyone who would like help. Its not about the money, its about the memories that are made. Its about literally being there- in perhaps the place you have always dreamed of going to.

For me, its about literally walking in the footsteps of royalty, or touching something built 3,000 years ago, that still exists today. Its about tasting the foods from that region, shopping where the locals shop, and getting to see how other people live.

We decided to take a cruise to the Bahamas in 2019. It was cost effective, and we even took my husbands family with us as a sort of family vacation. We had a blast doing our own thing, and having family dinners with our nieces each night.